dtc innovation

Designing Technology for the Commons.

Our Value Proposition

Strategic web development courses to enable public media companies to deliver better online products and services.

About BBC Media Action Web Development Training

We design and deliver web development courses in partnership with Beyond Broadcasting and BBC Media Action.

Training is based on hands-on exercises tailored for an audience with a broad range of skills, from video editors to programmers and journalists.

Front-end web development course

Frontend skills are brought to the trainees by turning a real world graphic design into HTML and CSS components.

Trainees get to learn about the following elements:

Website Development

The Model/View/Presenter paradigm is brought to the trainees by integrating their HTML and CSS into a static website generator. Knowledge is then applied to a dynamic framework (like Laravel) to illustrate the same concepts with a programming language and a database server.

Trainees get to learn about the following elements:

Designing a Living Styleguide

Designers and developers are brought together to create reusable visual components via a living styleguide. HTML and CSS components are abstracted into self-documented templates which can then be reused in any projects.

Trainees get to learn about the following elements:

Feel free to stay in touch

You can reach us on our Slack channel or by email. We will do our best to respond to you within the next business hours — although we might be on the field with a limited connectivity.

Subscribe to our company and project updates. We send them every other month in a personal and lightweight format:

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